
It is some nonsense that Tinder sends me a notification that I’ve missed a match immediately after I swipe left.

I did not miss a match. I saw the match and I said no thank you.

I will not change my mind based on whether that person liked me. Isn’t that the definition of lowering the bar and people pleasing? What agenda of mediocrity are you pushing, Tinder!?

Oh yeah, the agenda of “interact with me as much as possible and get as many matches as possible regardless of quality.” (See: “Why your Tinder match isn’t going to date you”.)

Seriously tho, if you have Tinder Gold, you are wimping out. Get down here and suffer your missed matches with the rest of us! Find love the RIGHT way and stop cheating the system!

I should really change my notifications settings…

Love and mediocrity, Jordie