I’ve been thinking about goals.

I recently turned 28 and YouTube started recommending people’s “30 before 30” bucket list vlogs.

I don’t have a bucket list and to my knowledge have never written one. It could never be long enough and never encompass all that I may one day want to do.

My needs and desires are ever-shifting, which I think is more true for everyone than they recognize. But that’s also my bias.

I never would have thought I’d be avidly researching methods for teaching factoring, but here I am. And it actually excites me! Wild.

My partner is visiting and he uses “wild” often. I find it very endearing. He gets excited by outrage.

He is the partner of mine my mother has most liked, and the one who is kinky and dominant and she “wouldn’t want to be friends with.” Sigh. Mother, mother.

(In this cafe right now, I’m wearing klnock-off blundstones and feeling verycool and verylame for doing so. There are these two boys wearing matching light brown sets and another boy wearing them who just did the bro-y-est hug with a friend wearing a puffer vest and white Adidas. No socks tho. I think they’re gay. I always hope everyone is gay.)

This afternoon I’m trading my friend for a new partner and we’re going over our yes/no/maybe lists. I probably should re-write mine because last I did it, it was specific to my other partner. We have an ownership dynamic and have been together over two years, so it’s a little different.

I’ll move a lot of things to the maybe list until new partner and I are more comfy and I know what he’s like in-scene.

Love and apparently my goals are sex goals, Jordie