Knowledge runs down.

It is some nonsense that Tinder sends me a notification that I’ve missed a match immediately after I swipe left.

I did not miss a match. I saw the match and I said no thank you.

I will not change my mind based on whether that person liked me. Isn’t that the definition of lowering the bar and people pleasing? What agenda of mediocrity are you pushing, Tinder!?

Oh yeah, the agenda of “interact with me as much as possible and get as many matches as possible regardless of quality.” (See: “Why your Tinder match isn’t going to date you”.)

Seriously tho, if you have Tinder Gold, you are wimping out. Get down here and suffer your missed matches with the rest of us! Find love the RIGHT way and stop cheating the system!

I should really change my notifications settings…

Love and mediocrity, Jordie

A human I have never met but matched with on Tinder reminded me why I want to write and blog.

So voila, a bloggity blog. (Eventually I shall figure out how to make the accent mark appear on that a in voila…)

Blogs are a wonderful combo of personal and internet, informative and fantasy, silliness and seriousness.

From my Tinder bio: “ISO deep talks on silly topics.”

For this blog: the same.

Before I walk you through what I’m going to write, let me share the tools I’m using. I don’t make any money from mentioning these, this is just, like, what I actually am using and you can totally use whatever you want.

“I am typing on a $30 Logitech bluetooth keyboard. It has good keys altho they are a little close together especially since I’m wearing acrylics for the first time and the tips keep accidentally hitting extra keys.

“I AM using an iPad ($799) even tho yeah, yeah Apple is evil and has stolen our souls. I’m not that alt okay? And I do have an apple pen ($99.99) altho I’m not using it right now. I bought these because I thought I was applying to grad school and now all I have to use them for is my lovely little blog lyfe. So I’m tryna make the most of this investment.

“Oh and I have my trusty emotional support water bottle (Nalgene, ~$15) with stickers from various Pride events.”

Now let’s dive in.

Imma write about: – Whatever the fuck I want.

Love and not affiliate links, Jordie